Friday, July 29, 2011

Here's a Start

Well I created the blog back in April, and now less than a week before I leave I can make my first real post.

6 months ago when I signed a piece of paper, that I electronically sent to Language Link in Moscow, it never dawned on me that I was just mere months away from moving to the other side of the world. we're less then a week away, and I've finally had my 'Oh Shit!" moment. Until today, when I had my last shift at work I understood...I'm leaving everything I know and love to literally move to the other side of the world in less than a week. You know what else I didn't realize? How expensive it is to do such a thing. First you need a plane ticket, that was $632, then the Visa...another $270, on top of that I'm paying for my first month of housing out of another $600. So there we have $1502 for an initial investment, and I'm not even counting living expenses, or the junk I need to buy before I leave. Happily, I'm getting reimbursed for all but the $600 of housing at the end of my contract, however this is still a nice chunk of change out of pocket. Adding all of that up just led to a second "Oh Shit!" moment, that it really is expensive to move to the other side of the world.

Well with that said, I still need to pack. Now may I ask, how to do you pack to move to Russia? I certainly haven't figured it out yet. Honestly I probably won't until Tuesday night, after all, that's how I packed for all four years of college. The only difference is that I can't drive down to Bangor to meet my parents and pick up whatever it is I forgot.  Every one says, "Pack warm, you're going to need it!" The only issue with that, is when I land in Moscow it's going to be 75, and this week Moscow was in the 90's. So shorts or a parka? I think I'm going to be packing mostly Summer/Fall clothes, I can always buy new Winter clothes (or have them sent to me). Oh and I need to bring some peanut butter, they don't have peanut butter in Russia. When you think of Russia, can't you just imagine some old Babushka cutting the crusts of a PB&J for her grandson? Well apparently not.

I think that's enough to write for today. Don't forget to come to my party on Saturday 3:30-whenever.



  1. oh mannn i searched half the province before i found peanut butter in china, and then i had to pay 5 USD for it!

    those vacuum bags are great for packing clothes... fill the bag, suck out the air, and it takes up <1/4 the space. airport navigation is easier if you pack one rolling suitcase and one big hiking backpack.

    also, make sure you know how to say 'i lost my luggage' in russian, and basic vocab for tickets and flights. no joke. if i had missed that lesson in class my backpack might still be lost somewhere in china. even just have it written down and in your pocket or something.

    i've got a frisbee tournament saturday but once it's over i'll stop by, i assume you'll still be partying it up around 9?


  2. Woot. Your first official follower Fromz. If you are curious about who to ask for packing advice, might I suggest Ark? He has, uh, a wee bit of experience traveling and moving around the world. I'm sure he can point out a few things you'll likely overlook your first time around.

    All I can say, having moved across the country on a bus, and doing a little bumming around Europe is this: you need way less than you think. Pack light, pick up what you need, plan on washing your clothes fairly often, 'cause you'll be wearing them a lot. Did you get a Kindle yet?

  3. Well good 10 suggestions 1) be kind as a dove 2) wise as a fox 3) do no harm 4 do good deeds 5) remember I have the magic card if you need help 6) pray 7) help 1 person every day 8) don't drink alone... Ever! 8) we all love and pray for you 9) observe everything ... Buddha says nothing is mundane and mundane is nothing 10) make this an experience that you will vividly remember when you are 58


  4. Last night I picked up piles of clothing that littered basically everyroom downstairs. These were the clothes that didn't make all three "how the hell am I going to make this all fit" cuts.

    I picked up each pile and hugged it tight before putting the clothes away.
